Anthony De Vito, Jr. wrote:
> More information on this problem. I found a day when I
> got a search query report that showed one query but
> the referrer report looked like there were eight
> queries. I extracted the eight query records and ran
> just those records through analog 6.0.1. The data was
> as follows:
> Listing queries, sorted by the number of requests.
> <pre><tt>reqs: search term
> ----: -----------
>    1: wliw 21 sarah brightman classics vhs
> </tt></pre>
> <hr>
> It looks to me like the yahoo or mamma searches are
> valid but weren't picked up by ANALOG for some reason.
> Any suggestions?

With a clean install of Analog, I get the following results in the Search
reports. "Stones in His Pockets" doesn't feature because isn't one
of the searchengines listed in the default analog.cfg.

Note that I did put a space between the referrer and the browser string.

Search Word Report
This report lists which words people used in search engines to find the

Listing query words, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs: search term
----: -----------
   2: kalia
   2: wliw
   2: seema
   1: vincent
   1: tony
   1: tynan
   1: devito
   1: brightman
   1: laura
   1: ronan
   1: sarah
   1: vhs
   1: savini
   1: 21
   1: and
   1: classics
   1: barbuto

Have you removed the default SEARCHENGINE commands from analog.cfg?


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