You can do one of two things, depending on what you want.

To see a report of all traffic for the account 'A-35815', just use that in
your log format instead of %j. Analog will ignore all other lines in the

LOGFORMAT (%S %Y-%m-%d %h:%n:%j %j %u 'A-35815' %j %r %c %t %b '%B')
To see a report of all accounts on the system, you can 'hijack' a variable
for a report you are not using. In your example you could use %v (Virtual
Hosts) and then turn on the Virtual Host report to see results for top

LOGFORMAT (%S %Y-%m-%d %h:%n:%j %j %u %v %j %r %c %t %b '%B')

Jeremy Wadsack

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 4:10 PM, David Paul <> wrote:

>  Is there a way to setup the LOGFORMAT, such that it can accept an
> “unrecognized type”, such as an account number.  Currently, I have the
> following log format setup, but want to be able to run reports utilizing the
> account number ‘A-35815' instead of ignoring it..
> LOGFORMAT (%S %Y-%m-%d %h:%n:%j %j %u %j %j %r %c %t %b '%B')
> 2009-09-04 18:31:20 '25368CAA5FF08DE4855FA7E1A8BDAD7D'
> 'WINDERA' 'A-35815' POST /nextthing/start.seam/ 200 0.563 107470
> 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
> Gecko/2009073022 Firefox/3.0.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)'
> Thanks for the Help
> David
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