Hi everybody,

as part of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T168414 the Analytics team
needs to execute a lot of alter tables to the log database to be able to
complete the work of data purging/sanitization. The plan is to stop the
Eventlogging Mysql Consumer on eventlog1001 tomorrow Jan 03 during the EU
morning, and keep it stopped until all the work is done. We estimate that
this will require 2/3 days, so this means that data will not be replicated
on the analytics-slave (db1108) during this timeframe. Event Logging will
keep working as expected, the only thing that will be stopped is inserting
new data on db1107.

Please follow up with me (elukey on IRC) or with the Analytics team if this
maintenance affects a important work that you are doing, so we'll be able
to decide together a better date.

Thanks a lot!

Luca (on behalf of the Analytics team)
Analytics mailing list

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