This is awesome! Thank you team!

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 7:35 AM Goran Milovanovic <> wrote:

> Great job Luca. Thank you very much.
> I have started to diversify all WMDE Analytics jobs (mainly Wikidata
> related things) across the stat100* machines.
> While I still mainly use stat1007, two modules of the WDCM
> <> system
> are already migrated to stat1004.
> Best,
> Goran
> Goran S. Milovanović, PhD
> Data Scientist, Software Department
> Wikimedia Deutschland
> ------------------------------------------------
> "It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
> it's the size of the fight in the dog."
> - Mark Twain
> ------------------------------------------------
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 4:33 AM Neil Shah-Quinn <>
> wrote:
>> Thank you very much, Luca!
>> To make this nice documentation easier to discover, I moved it to
>> Analytics/Systems/Clients
>> <> along
>> with the other information on the clients from Analytics/Data access.
>> On Tue, 18 Feb 2020 at 17:11, Isaac Johnson <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for pulling together these directions Luca! I did a little
>>> clean-up and will try to remember to do so more routinely.
>>> Adding to what Diego said, I also started using stat1007 because it has
>>> the most access to resources (dumps, Hadoop, MariaDB), and then my virtual
>>> environments, config files, etc. are there and so I tend to do all of my
>>> work on stat1007 even when the other stat machines might work for other
>>> projects. Putting the GPU on stat1005 helped me diversify a little but I'm
>>> very excited to hear that the stat machines will be more standardized so it
>>> matters less which machine I choose. While I have no desire to be spread
>>> out across the machines (a few projects on stat1004, a few on stat1005,
>>> etc.) because then I'll certainly lose track of where different projects
>>> are, I would be open to trying to choose another host as my "main"
>>> workspace.
>>> Best,
>>> Isaac
>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 10:53 AM Andrew Otto <> wrote:
>>>> I added a 'GPU?' column too. :)  THANKS LUCA!
>>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 11:51 AM Luca Toscano <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Diego,
>>>>> added a section at the end of the page with the info requested, let me
>>>>> know if anything is missing :)
>>>>> Luca
>>>>> Il giorno mar 18 feb 2020 alle ore 17:37 Diego Saez-Trumper <
>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>> Thanks for this Luca.
>>>>>> I tend to use stat1007 because I know that machine has a lot of
>>>>>> ram/cpu and HDFS access. From other statsX I'm not sure which of them 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> what resources (I know at least one of them doesn't have HDFS access).
>>>>>> There is a table where I can look at a summary of resources per machine?
>>>>>> Thanks again.
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 8:53 AM Luca Toscano <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi everybody!
>>>>>>> I created the following doc:
>>>>>>> It contains two FAQ:
>>>>>>> - How do I ensure that there is enough space on disk before storing
>>>>>>> big datasets/files ?
>>>>>>> - How do I check the space used by my files/data on stat/notebook
>>>>>>> hosts ?
>>>>>>> Please read them and let me know if anything is not clear or
>>>>>>> missing. We have plenty of space on stat100X hosts, but we tend to 
>>>>>>> cluster
>>>>>>> on single machines like stat1007 for some reason, ending up in fighting 
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> resources.
>>>>>>> On a related note, we are going to work on unifying stat/notebook
>>>>>>> puppet configs in, so
>>>>>>> eventually all Analytics clients will be exactly the same.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Luca (on behalf of the Analytics team)
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>>> Isaac Johnson (he/him/his) -- Research Scientist -- Wikimedia Foundation
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