The 8100 port is on the emulator and is not directly accessible.

The ports starting at 8600 are setup by ddms.
There is one port setup for each running application. Connecting a debugger
to this port actually connects to ddms, which then forward packets between
the debugger and the applications through adb.

If you use eclipse with ADT, you do not have to worry about the debugger
ports as ADT will automatically get them from the ddms plugin and connect
the debugger automatically to the proper port.


On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 8:30 AM, Bushnaq, Ahmad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  What determines the debug port the application is listening on? Right now
> I'm looking at my logs and LogCat view says the application is waiting on
> port 8100, while the android log says it is trying to connect on port 8606!
> I looked in the debug configuration and see nothing there about setting the
> port...
> Ahmad
> >

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