Anna PS wrote:
> I would like to align an ImageView with the very bottom of the screen.
> I've used android:layout_gravity="bottom", and another element with
> android:layout_weight="1" to push the ImageView down to the bottom.

If you want to stick with LinearLayout, here are two suggestions:

1. If you want a spacer, use View rather than TextView. TextView has
some intrinsic size, since it expects to have some text in some font.
View has no size.

2. Try android:layout_height="0px" on that spacer, rather than
fill_parent, as I think that will work better with your layout_weight="1".

> I've also tried using a RelativeLayout and
> layout_alignParentBottom="true" but that doesn't seem to make any
> difference.

That should work, unless the image itself has space at the bottom of the
image. Note that you would not need the spacer in that case.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!

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