so re-installing the ADT eclipse plugin seemed to resolve things --
however, i still have those errors in the error log even though I
don't see the little red x next to my project in the package explorer.

should i be able to independently wipe out the "bin" and "gen"
directories?  It seems like if i delete or rename that, i start
getting into trouble...  is there like a "clean and rebuild all"
sequence of steps?


On Aug 12, 8:45 am, phil <> wrote:
> ug, this is so frustrating.
> i am running eclipse 3.5 + android sdk 1.5r3 with ADT plugin.
> i somehow seem to randomly get into a state where I cannot build or
> run.
> I have the little red x next to my project in "Package Explorer" but
> when I open up the 'src' node, i don't see any errors in my source
> files.
> i open up the error log in eclipse and i see this --
> Could not create action delegate for id:
> Plug-in was unable to load class
> Plug-in was unable to load class
> And if I try to run, I get a dialog that pops up and says
> Your project contains error(s), please fix them before running your
> application.
> And I'm not quite sure how to "fix" them...
> -phil
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