although i havent used Quartz much on iphone, i think you'll get most
of its functionality in the Canvas class of the android. this Class
contains many methods to draw lines, circles, bitmaps, text etc. a
related class is the Paint Class that allows you to specify the style
of drawing - i.e. colour, stroke is not necessary to get a
current context prior to drawing in Android.

for a game you'll probably need to extend the View Class and then
override its onDraw method. i'd suggest you browse through the Class
Index for Android and go over the documentation for these classes. the
Class Index on Android is very well compiled and its a one-place
reference guide for the entire platform, unlike the iphone where you
have different documents for different frameworks.

from a graphics point of view, the following are some "crude"
analogies between the two platforms:

UIViewController on iphone corresponds to (Activity + ViewGroup) on
UIView on iphone corresponds to View on Android
the drawRect method of UIView corresponds to onDraw method of the View
class on Android
setNeedsDisplay call on UIView is the same as invalidate() call on a
View on Android

on Android, the Views and Subviews dont automatically redraw (i.e.
invalidate) themselves unlike their counterparts on iphone. for eg,
suppose you have a game character that you display using a UIImageView
on iphone. if you change the position of this object then it
automatically updates the same on the screen. however on Android you
will have to send an invalidate call to the View that contains this
game character.

unfortunately designing a screen and UI on android is nowhere as
convenient as the drag and drop in Interface Builder. you'll have to
specify screen layouts in XML (although it can be done in JAVA code
too) using the built in XML editors on eclipse. conceptually its
exactly the same as creating the xib files on IB ... the difference is
that you'll have to do quite a bit of typing instead of drag and

hope that helps.

On Sep 6, 9:51 am, Hulacir <> wrote:
> Hi, I have two Apps now in iPhone AppStore and I am thinking about
> developing the Android version too. I would like to get some feedback
> from those who have already done this. I am more concerned about the
> 2D graphics side. On iPhone, it is Quartz. Do we have CGContext and
> something similar on Android?
> thanks,
> hl
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