Well, I still have no idea what causes the Android project creation
dialogue problem with ADT 0.9.1 and Fedora Eclipse 3.4.2... however
after upgrading to the new ADT 0.9.3 (and installing SDK 1.6) the
problem has gone away so it's now a moot point.

Following the update the dialogue elements for selecting a path when
creating a project from existing files do get enabled when they
should, and I'm finally able to use the Notepad Tutorial files

On Sep 16, 8:00 am, Anthony <anthonyhorto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 15, 10:29 pm, "John P." <johnny.d.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm confused because if you've successfully done step 2 where you
> > presumably clicked on the radio button to "Create project from
> > existing source", you should get an enabled textfield where you can
> > specify the location of the said existing source.  If it is indeed
> > true that such textfield does not become enabled, then may I suggest
> > creating a new Android project, and manually placing the Notepad
> > tutorial files to where the new Android project resides.  Be sure to
> > refresh the project from Eclipse so that it picks up your manual
> > filesystem changes.
> Yes, that's exactly my problem. When I select the create from existing
> source radio button in the create Android project dialogue I don't get
> an enabled text field and browse button with which to select a path. I
> know I should, and I was hoping that someone had seen a similar ADT
> problem before and could say what's going wrong.  I do get the enabled
> text field and button when creating a general project.
> Thanks for the suggested workaround, that should at least enable me to
> start working through the tutorial. I'd really like to get to the
> bottom of this though.
> > On Sep 14, 11:55 am, Anthony <anthonyhorto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've installed the Android SDK (1.5 r3), Eclipse (Fedora Eclipse
> > > 3.4.2), the ADT & DDMS Eclipse plugins (0.9.1.v200905011822-1621), and
> > > successfully worked my way through the Hello World Tutorial.  However
> > > I'm not able to get very far into the Notepad Tutorial because I'm not
> > > able to properly import the project files.  No problems downloading
> > > the ZIP archive and extracting the files to sub-directories of my
> > > Eclipse workspace directory, however I'm then unable to open them as
> > > Android projects in Eclipse.
> > > The Notepad Tutorial instructs me to:
> > > 1. Start a new Android Project by clicking File > New > Android
> > > Project.
> > > 2. In the New Android Project dialog, select Create project from
> > > existing source.
> > > 3. Click Browse and navigate to where you copied the NotepadCodeLab
> > > (downloaded during setup) and select Notepadv1.
> > > This is where I hit a problem, as with my combination of ADT plugins
> > > and Eclipse version the New Android Project dialogue doesn't have a
> > > 'Browse' button or any other way to select a path for the creation of
> > > a project from existing source!  All I get is an error stating
> > > "AndroidManifest.xml not found in samples." and no way to proceed any
> > > further.
> > > As that was a dead end I tried to import Notepadv1 as a General
> > > Project and use the Android Tools to convert it to an Android project
> > > afterwards.  The general project dialogue at least gives me the option
> > > of selecting the path to the Notepadv1 project directory so I'm able
> > > to create the first project, however when I then right click and
> > > select Android Tools > Convert to Android Project I get an 'Problem
> > > Occurred' dialogue windows which tells me that "'Convert Project' has
> > > encountered a problem.  Notepadv1 does not exist."  The Details>>
> > > button doesn't give me any details.
> > > The project now appears as an Android project, but fails to build
> > > after a clean or a modification to the files.  The Android ADT error
> > > in the Problems tab is 'Failed to get output folder!'.  If I try
> > > Android Tools > FIx Project Properties I get the same error dialogue
> > > as with Convert Project.
> > > I've search these groups, and the web in general, and wasn't able to
> > > come up with any solutions to my problems with what really ought to be
> > > straightforward.  Can anyone give me some pointers as to what is going
> > > wrong?
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