So well,

yess, people preffer using intents because it is much easier! but the
google barcodescanner must be installed, otherwise you have to handle
the exeptions (when you start the intent put it into a try and if it
does not work let a dialog pop up or so...)
and yesss, something you should know about intents, sometimes it
doesn't handle the orientation changes right!
ok, i just found out, that the emulator does not support the android
market, so what you can do is look in some filesharing sites and
download the apk and then upload it to some website, and then install
it via the webbrowser onto your emulator. thats the only thing, i
could think of.

to your problem of the barcode scanner, it is going to be hard to get
that to work....
isn't there something black and white, when you start the camera on
the emulator? couldn't you maybee just change that picture to a
barcode one?
but i have now idea how you would do that...

sorry if i couldn't help you as much as you would prefer...


On 22 Sep., 20:57, wahib haq <> wrote:
> hi joe. I am also working on a simple barcode scanning app and being a
> newbie i am stuck for a long time. Up to my research all people
> preffer using intent for barcode scanning. I really need your little
> help. How have u done using intents? I found the code using intents
> but i am confused as i am working on emulator only. so how can i text
> it using emulator only? how to install barcode scanning app on
> emulator? and share link of .apk file if you have.
> First i was working on decoding a stored barcode image but it wasnt
> working so i just want to move on to finalizing it. Your help can just
> solve my problem.
> Well, to your issue i can come up to only one solution. If you just
> take snap of the barcode image and store it in gallery and after it
> your app read the latest added image from gallery and decode it. Dont
> laugh if its a very childish solution :)
> waiting for ur reply.
> Regards,
> wahib
> On 9/22/09, Joe <> wrote:
> > Hey everyone...
> > how can i integrate the barcodescanner, whithout unsing an intent?
> > my app, is now working with an intent, but i sort of disklile it for
> > many reasons (one needs to have the barcodescanner installed, i don't
> > want it full screen... )
> > i would like it similar to compare everywhere or shopsavy... but i am
> > totally lost...
> > i would very much appreciate help in any form.
> > Regards
> > johannes
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