Thanks to everyone who's offered any useful insights/thoughts thus far.

If you look at the attached diagram I'm hoping to build a device that 
acts a central controller for consumer electronics & home automation.
I want a hand-held to interface with it, this hand-held would ideally 
have IR integrated, but it's not imperative as Wifi would be used 

So far the best solution I've found is this:

You don't have to use their reference hardware but something low 
power/profile like it would be ideal. 
It's critical one has JRE + Apache Tomcat installed/configured 
properly, I'd run this software on top of Ubuntu or maybe LinuxMCE.

I was thinking of integrating the entire thing into my HTPC (at least the IR 
However I'm not sure yet, it might be better to have a dedicated machine. 

This controller would be able to send/receive via; Internet, Wifi, Ethernet, 
IR, X10, proprietary RF, & numerous other CE/HA related protocols.

I'm hoping to make do with my axim x50v as the hand-held but porting to 
android is slow moving so i may eventually have to move to a better 
supported device (preferably with IR but not essential).

I'm interested in other peoples ideas, have you tried something similar? 
Have you played with a platform that's better (in your opinion) than 
Or perhaps you know of a better hware/sware/topology combo for the 
hand-held or controller/s?


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ÿþMiscellaneous --------Internet--------
                  |                  | 
....... Hand-held ----Wifi---------- 
CE/HA server (Pluto/LMCE?) 
----------PoE (existing aircon 
                  |                  |  
(2.4ghz 802.11n)...
                   --Irda            |  
|_IR bridge__CE devices           |
                         |_CE devices   
|_Proprietary RF:
Zigbee,Zwave,Insteon,X10 etc.
                                One or 

        HA/CE end devices ===>

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