I'm having a problem getting an update statement to work. I have tried
it a number of different ways, but it just isn't working - I must be
missing something.

    private void changeScore(long personId, long categoryId, boolean
sign) {
        int julianDay = getDayNumber();

                String delta = (sign ? "+1" : "-1");
                String update = "update " + TABLE_NAME + " set score=score " +
delta + " where " +
                                "" + KEY_DATE + "=" + julianDay + " and " + 
+ personId +
                                " and " + KEY_CATEGORYID + "=" + categoryId;
                db.rawQuery(update, null);

When I log this update String, I see it as:
  update score set score=score +1 where day=2440588 and person_id=2
and category_id=1

I can paste that into my SQLite Manager Firefox plugin and run that
against a copy of my database, and it executes as I would expect - the
where values match up.

I would have liked to use the SQLiteDatabase.update method, but I
didn't see a way to pass the expression "score + 1" - as a value in
the ContentValues it treated "score +1" as a String and not an

As an experiment, I change the line that defines the update String to:
  String update = "update " + TABLE_NAME + " set score=score " +

Still no love.

Is there any reason an UPDATE wouldn't work in a rawQuery call? Or am
I doing something else wrong?

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