
Thanks for your reply.

I took the Sensor developer page as a typical example:


and in the "summary" section the methods have no comments.

If I take another random section as an example; DialerFilter:


and select getDigits() you'll now see that there are no comments in
either the summary or main section.

I know the Android is a free system but I stand by my point that the
documentation could be a lot better. The better the developer
documentation, the better the take up.



On 22 Oct, 10:00, gmseed <gms...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it me or is the Android Developer Reference documentation an
> absolute sham?
> Take the Sensor page, which lists the public methods:
> float   getMaximumRange()
> String  getName()
> float   getPower()
> float   getResolution()
> int     getType()
> String  getVendor()
> int     getVersion()
> Not a single comment as to what these do. Readers must be expected to
> be mind readers.
> Then take SensorListener, which provides a few comments on the
> accelermoeter, magnetic and orientation sensors but no mention of the
> other sensors.
> When I run an application with onSensorChanged  (int sensor, float[]
> values) it outputs 6 values and not 3 as the documentation would
> suggest.
> Etc, etc,
> Developers are expected to fish around and use guess work to try and
> figure out what's actually going on.
> Working with 4x4 rotation axis matrices is tricky stuff and needs
> detailed explanations.
> With all of Google's backing you'd think the documentation would be
> excellent.
> Consider the alternative system of Qt by Trolltech. The "Assitant"
> documentation is excellent and has led to a big take up of Qt. If
> Google wants developers to get up to speed fast on Android then they
> should phone the Trollech documenting team asap.
> I gather from reading previous posts that this documentation issue is
> not new and has been around since the start of Android. Clearly then
> somebody at Google has a strange idea as to what documenting an API
> means.
> The Android system is amazing but really let down by its developer
> documentation.
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