On Apr 2, 2010, at 7:19 AM, Mark Murphy wrote:
> Vladyslav Namashko wrote:
>> 2) make one installation for two .apk packages, that should be
>> installed successively in appropriate order.
> No, not using the SDK. An APK is an APK -- an APK is not two APKs. You
> can have an APK download another APK and ask to have it installed, but
> the user will then need to go through the screens to review and accept
> that second installation, and you will have two entries in the user's
> "Manage Applications" list.
> You could also have an APK have another APK inside of it (e.g., in
> assets/), but then you will be taking up a *lot* of extra on-board flash
> space, which will not make you popular. And, the user will still need to
> go through the screens to review and accept that second installation,
> and you will still have two entries in the user's "Manage Applications"
> list.

  Not that I'm sure of this, but couldn't there be an application that did the 
installation, and after installing the one or two APK's packaged within it, it 
could then delete itself?  That would avoid the "extra flash space usage" issue.

  There would still be the issue of having to interact with the user for the 
later installation(s), but...

                    - Chris

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