Hey, I am still not totally sure as to how putExtra() and getExtras()
actually function. If I have a click listener in one class and I want to
use an intent from that to a new activity, how should I actually call
getExtras()? I thought it would be stored in the bundle or something,
but I am not totally sure what a bundle is >.>. Also, if anyone knows
about row_ids for SQlite databases (or at least I think thats what they
are), I could also use some clarification here. If I have the row id for
a contact, is it possible to get other information about that contact
from their row id using a cursor? Or is there a better way of doing
this? My ultimate goal is just to have a list of contacts display, and
when you click on one you see their data (phone number and things of
that nature). Thanks for all the help already! This is a great group.

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