Hello everyone, i'm in the process of creating a application manager/
killer for my high school senior project. Unfortunately i'm running
into the issue of my view not refreshing graphically with my updated
list. The application killing works but the list refreshing after
killing the application does not. My application seems to refresh the
view when you hit the back button and re-opening my application but
hitting the home button and re-opening my application doesn't.

Note - All experimenting has been done on the emulator and not on my
Droid yet.

My Code:

public class NTaskManager extends ListActivity implements

        //Recreation of RunningAppProcessInfo class that is able to return
its process name
        public class NRunningAppProcessInfo extends

                        this.importance = n.importance;
                        this.importanceReasonCode = n.importanceReasonCode;
                        this.importanceReasonComponent = 
                        this.importanceReasonPid = n.importanceReasonPid;
                        this.lru = n.lru;
                        this.pid = n.pid;
                        this.pkgList = n.pkgList;
                        this.processName = n.processName;
                        this.uid = n.uid;
                public String toString(){
                        return this.processName;

        //Pop up dialog box when user clicks on an item on the list
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which){
                String f = String.valueOf(Process.myUid());

                if (which == AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE){

                else if(which == AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE){
                        Toast.makeText(this, f, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

        //Declare variables and lists
        boolean hasNextCheck = true;
        private static final int REFRESH = 0;
        boolean isPrevious;
        boolean isNext;
        String taskToBeKilled = "";

        LinkedList<NRunningAppProcessInfo> processes; //List that will hold
object names
        List<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> x; //List containing
objects that hold application information
        ActivityManager z; //Manages applications such as ending them
        ListIterator<ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo> i; //List
        ArrayAdapter<NRunningAppProcessInfo> processliststring;
        ListView lv;
        AlertDialog.Builder adb; //Alert dialog box builder for clicking of
an item

    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //Assign the linked list
        processes = new LinkedList<NRunningAppProcessInfo>();

        //Assign the activity manager
        z = (ActivityManager)getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

        //Give the list application information
        x = z.getRunningAppProcesses();

        //Add processes to linked list for list adapter and show it

        //Create an alert dialog box...
        adb = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

        //...If yes kill task...
        adb.setPositiveButton("Yes", this);

        //...If no do nothing
        adb.setNegativeButton("No", this);

        //When an item on the list is pressed
        lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
          public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view,
              int position, long id) {

                  //Set text to ask if they want to kill the task
                  adb.setMessage("Kill Task "+
((TextView)view).getText().toString() + "?");

                  taskToBeKilled = ((TextView)view).getText().toString();

                  //Show the alert dialog box



    private void refreshList(){
        //Clear the list to start fresh

        //Refresh the list iterator
        i = x.listIterator();

                //Check if there is something next on the list
            isNext = i.hasNext();

            //If there is...
            if(isNext == true){
                //Add the process to the process list
                processes.add(new NRunningAppProcessInfo(i.next()));
        }while(isNext == true);//...while there is something next on
the list

        //Set the list of strings to be used for the listview
        processliststring = new
ArrayAdapter<NRunningAppProcessInfo>(this, layout.ntask_list,

        //View the list of processes
        lv = getListView();


    private void searchAndKillTask(){
        RunningAppProcessInfo task;
        i = x.listIterator();
        hasNextCheck = i.hasNext();

                //Check if there is something next on the list
            isNext = i.hasNext();

            //If there is...
            if(isNext == true){
                //Check if the name matches the task to be killed
                task = i.next();

                if(task.processName == taskToBeKilled){

        }while(isNext == true);//...while there is something next on
the list


    /* Creates the menu items */
    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        menu.add(0, REFRESH, 0, "Refresh")

        Toast.makeText(this, String.valueOf(hasNextCheck),

        return true;

    /* Handles item selections */
    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        switch (item.getItemId()) {
        case REFRESH:
            return true;
        return false;


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