My widget needs to know its location but does not care whether it gets
it from the GPS or the network.  If I can get a finer location from the
GPS that's fine.  But if the GPS is not enabled or does not exist in the
device, than I will use what I can get.  

I have some questions related to this:

1) Do I need both 'fine' and 'coarse' permissions to indicate that I can use
   both?  Or will 'fine' also use the network if the GPS is not
   available.  I don't want the user to think that a GPS is required in
   order for the application to work.  But I do need to get lat/long
   one way or the other.

2) Is best practice still to do a backwards search through the list of
   available providers and to use the best one I find?

3) When setting up the location listener or intent to track location
   changes you have to specify the provider to use.  But what if want to
   simply use the cheapest provider available?


Jake Colman -- Android Tinkerer

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