Not sure how well it works, but when you create a new AVD there's an
option to add a camera from the Hardware section.

On Jul 13, 1:30 am, Emmen Farooq <> wrote:
> Hi again , I am using android emulator for developing , and do not
> have an android based phone , but my app requires the following things
> it allows the user to take a picture from the phones camera
> Now my questions is that how do I handle that in an emulator , or in
> other words , how do i know if my app is doing this correctly or
> emulating this correctly
> the second requirement is that the user is able to select a picture
> from his phone's memory  to set as his profile pic in the app , now
> how do I emulate that ? more clearly how should I store and access my
> images so that it is similar to accessing images from a mobile phones
> memory ??
> thanks a million

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