On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Bret Foreman <bret.fore...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I implemented something as an experiment, using the PowerManager
> and acquiring a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK in the onStartCommand method of my
> service. I try to release the lock in the onDestroy method of the
> service but the wakelock object is null. Both the power manager object
> and the wakelock object are class variables of the service. And since
> I can't release the wakelock (because I've somehow lost the object) I
> get a "WakeLock finalized while still held" exception when the service
> is destroyed.
> This is the weirdest thing yet - an object just disappearing like
> that. Any ideas?

FWIW, take a look at my WakefulIntentService to see if it gives you any ideas:


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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