Hello Everyone,

I new to the SDK and have intermediate Java skills and I am having an issue
with adding an AlertDialog to a Receiver I have created. The application is
a basic alarm clock and I am using the following code as the receiving
class. I want to use an AlertDialog instead of Toast so that I can have a
snooze and an off button. It seems to be creating the AlertBox fine but when
I try to show it the program blows up. Below is the code I am trying to use,
any help is much appreciated!


public class RepeatingAlarm extends BroadcastReceiver {


public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

try {

// Do something when alarm goes off

AlertDialog.Builder alertbox = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);

alertbox.setMessage("Its time to get up");

// add a neutral button to the alert box and assign a click listener


new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

 // click listener on the alert box

public void onClick(DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) {

// the button was clicked do something




 } catch (Exception e) {

Log.e("AlarmClock.java", "ERROR: ", e);


 MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.duck);




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