You added a Bundle to the Intent so you should get a Bundle from the
the Intent and then get the array from the Bundle.

put: Intent      putExtra(String name, Bundle value)
get: Bundle      getExtras()


put: Intent      putExtra(String name, byte[] value)
get: byte[]      getByteArrayExtra(String name)

but not

put: Intent      putExtra(String name, Bundle value)
get: byte[]      getByteArrayExtra(String name)

On Jul 31, 5:58 pm, Arascii <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This seems like a very simple question with a simple answer except I
> haven't been able to find said answer anywhere.
> I've taken a picture using the camera, I have a byte array called
> data, which I want to pass to another class to process.
> Here's how I package the data:
> Camera.PictureCallback mPictureCallback = new Camera.PictureCallback()
> {
>                 public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
>                 startImageProcess(data);
>                 }
>         };
>         public void startImageProcess(byte[] mBmp)
>         {
>                 Intent mI = new Intent(this, ProcessImage.class);
>                 Bundle myBundle=new Bundle();
>                 myBundle.putByteArray("mBmp",mBmp);
>                 mI.putExtras(myBundle);
>                 startActivity(mI);
>         }
> This part seems to work fine. However, when it starts the ProcessImage
> activity, I get a crash when the following code is called:
> public class ProcessImage extends Activity{
>         public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
>         {
>                 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
>                 Intent thisIntent = this.getIntent();
> <crash>    byte[] data = thisIntent.getByteArrayExtra("mBmp");
> I've tried many different combinations of getExtra, getExtras,
> getByteArrayExtra, etc. I've also tried different methods for
> inserting the extra. I'm at the end of my rope. Could someone please
> help?
> Thanks,
> Arascii

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