Yeah, that's messy, but it will probably work. One other consideration
is what the next version of Android will do about this. It's pretty
clear that this is an important missing feature. I expect they'll
eventually make a version of getXXX that reads the default value from
preferences.xml if there's no key-value pair in the database yet, and
throws an exception if no default value is found. From that
perspective, it makes more sense to put a wrapper around getXXX and do
my own parsing of the default values from preferences.xml. This has
the added advantage that addition and removal of new preference keys
can happen in the same file where the defaults are defined. And then
when the improved version of getXXX comes out, I can just remove the

The drawback of this is that I know very little about XML parsers. It
looks like I can use DocumentBuilder.parse for this purpose if I can
figure out how to open the file. Does this code look right for getting
at the raw xml data?

                AssetManager myAssets = myContext.getAssets();
                DisplayMetrics myDM = new DisplayMetrics();
                Configuration myConfig = new Configuration();
                Resources myResources = new Resources( myAssets , myDM ,
myConfig );
                prefInputStream =

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