I am working on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and have a Nexus 5 with me.

I followed the steps from the official android website.

As for Nexus 5 I refer to https://developers.google.com/android/drivers.

I wanna get the latest android version, so I chose the  Nexus 5 (GSM/LTE) 
binaries for Android 6.0.1 (M4B30X).

and when I lunch 

gongzelong@gongzelong:~/OpenSource/Android$ lunch

You're building on Linux

Lunch menu... pick a combo:
     1. aosp_arm-eng
     2. aosp_arm64-eng
     3. aosp_mips-eng
     4. aosp_mips64-eng
     5. aosp_x86-eng
     6. aosp_x86_64-eng
     7. full_fugu-userdebug
     8. aosp_fugu-userdebug
     9. mini_emulator_arm64-userdebug
     10. m_e_arm-userdebug
     11. m_e_mips64-eng
     12. m_e_mips-userdebug
     13. mini_emulator_x86_64-userdebug
     14. mini_emulator_x86-userdebug
     15. aosp_dragon-userdebug
     16. aosp_dragon-eng
     17. aosp_flounder-userdebug
     18. aosp_angler-userdebug
     19. aosp_bullhead-userdebug
     20. hikey-userdebug
     21. aosp_shamu-userdebug

Which would you like? [aosp_arm-eng] aosp_hammerhead-userdebug
build/core/product_config.mk:238: *** Can not locate config makefile for 
product "aosp_hammerhead".  Stop.

** Don't have a product spec for: 'aosp_hammerhead'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?

gongzelong@gongzelong:~/OpenSource/Android$ vi build/core/product_config.mk
gongzelong@gongzelong:~/OpenSource/Android$ git branch
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
gongzelong@gongzelong:~/OpenSource/Android$ lunch aosp_hammerhead-userdebug
build/core/product_config.mk:238: *** Can not locate config makefile for 
product "aosp_hammerhead".  Stop.

** Don't have a product spec for: 'aosp_hammerhead'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?


So, which lunch combo is suitable for me to work on Nexus 5 and can get the 
latest version?

Or, am I got the wrong repo manifest? If yes, how to change it.

Before I follow the steps shown below.

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