Hi Jiyong,

Same issue.

My I ask how we can build our own static library and share with others?
In Android N, only generate .jack file, not classes.jar?

On Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 7:26:35 AM UTC-7, Jiyong Park wrote:
> From Android-M, the default compiler for java source code is changed from 
> javac to jack. As explained in https://source.android.com/source/jack.html, 
> jack does not generate the intermediate classes.jar files. It directly 
> generates classes.dex files from *.java files.
> Furthermore, using such intermediate files (such as classes.jar) is not a 
> very good idea. As an app developer, you should depend on SDK/NDK only.
> On Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 11:48:03 AM UTC+9, KYUNG HO KIM wrote:
>> I'v found out that classes.jar has been made after build all android with 
>> "make -j<number>".
>> Before android-m, I can make classes.jar with just "mm" on library folder.
>> Thanks.
>> 2016년 4월 19일 화요일 오후 12시 46분 45초 UTC+9, KYUNG HO KIM 님의 말:
>>> Hi,
>>> I used the *classes.jar* in intermediate folder for developing some 
>>> applications on eclipse that including below static or shared java library. 
>>> (eg. test, test2 lib)
>>> The library used the android.mk, below.
>>> But after I using android-M source, there's no classes.jar file in 
>>> intermediate folder.
>>> How can I build the classes.jar as before?
>>> Or how I can I build the jar file including class files when we build 
>>> the static or shared java library on android build to use on eclipse or 
>>> other java IDE??
>>> Android.mk
>>> LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
>>> include $(CLEAR_VARS)
>>> LOCAL_MODULE := test
>>> LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
>>> LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
>>> include $(BUILD_JAVA_LIBRARY) 
>>> include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
>>> LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
>>> include $(CLEAR_VARS)
>>> LOCAL_MODULE := test2
>>> LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
>>> LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)
>>> include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
>>> Thanks,
>>> Casper

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