Hi all,

I am trying to build AOSP for arm64 following these instructions here:


But I am getting this build error:

[ 32% 49/149] test github.com/google/blueprint/pathtools 
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/blueprint-pathtools/test/test.passed 
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/blueprint/pathtools -f 
out/soong/.bootstrap/blueprint-pathtools/test/test.passed -- 
s/test/test -test.short 
--- FAIL: TestGlobEscapes (0.00s) 
   --- FAIL: TestGlobEscapes/**/* (0.00s) 
       glob_test.go:562: incorrect matches list: 
       glob_test.go:562:  pattern: "**/*" 
       glob_test.go:562:      got: []string{"a/", "b", "a/a"} 
       glob_test.go:562: expected: []string{"*", "**/", "?", "a/", "b", 
"**/*", "**/a", "**/b/", "**/b/b", "a/a"} 
       glob_test.go:562: incorrect deps list: 
       glob_test.go:562:  pattern: "**/*" 
       glob_test.go:562:      got: []string{".", "a"} 
       glob_test.go:562: expected: []string{".", "**", "**/b", "a"}

How should I debug this ? Around 2 months ago I had built it successfully 
on an AWS server. Now I am trying to build it on my laptop.

PS: If it helps: I had synced the repo to an NTFS external drive and I 
copied it to my laptop and did a repo sync again. 


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