there doesn't appear to be any web services client support available with Android so that's a good indication that it will not be possible (without a lot of effort) to drop a server such as Apache Tomcat with Axis on a "phone" either.

Although the term "phone" is a misnomer - it should be obvious to anyone looking at the leading 50 apps that an Android hand held has as much in common with a "phone" as Captain Kirk's Star Trek "G'ommunicator" :>

The server part is probably a bit of an "overkill" - even though I'm sure it would work (I've got Tomcat/Axis running on a single board computer with 128 MB and a Geode GX processor - works just fine).

The client part (i.e. calling web services hosted somewhere out on the network)
is being done by some in this group. In a nut shell, they are simply doing a HTTP POST of their SOAP envelope. In other words, on your PC you've got some library to generate a SOAP envelope for you and send it out. The library on your PC actually uses HTTP to send the SOAP. HTTP is available on Android so all you need to do is "manually" create your SOAP and POST it.

If that'll work for you, there's a snippet of code here somewhere that I can dig up for you.

Krishnan wrote:
Hi All,
         Would like to know if there are any interfaces which allow
deployment of web services/ web servers on android that would talk to
existing clients/servers on a PC.



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