My best suggestion is don't be embarrassed :> It looks like you might be having the same problem I, and undoubtedly countless others have had. After firing up the emulator, the solution (which I found by accident) is to go take a coffee break !

The emulator is a BIG program and there's a lot of computing going on - just give it a little more time to get going. I've even seen it take 21 minutes (!) to "fire up" on an old Proliant server - but that's extreme. Expect maybe 2 minutes and you should be happy.

Welcome to the Androids.

amitshetty wrote:
I am embarrassed to be posting this here, but I cant figure it out...
Am trying Android for the first time. Installed Eclipse 3.4.0,
installed the plugins, unzipped the sdk and followed instructions to
create the hello world app. Ran the Android app. The emulator fires
up, but nothing on the screen other than the message "Android" in the
middle of the phone screen. I could swear I see a dos window pop up
for a split second, but I couldn't read it...
I tried going to the DDMS view, and "Reset adb", but that results in
the message "ADB failed to re-start make sure the plugin is propelry
Any suggestions?


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