
I looked at the manifest file and the service was indeed set as


Removing this let me stop on the breakpoint in the service.

The name 'remote' is just the name of the process. Ithas no special
meaning, am I correct?



On Jul 2, 5:01 pm, Josh Guilfoyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem you are likely experiencing is that the Eclipse plugin
> only attaches by default to the process that hosts the activity
> configured in the Run dialog.  Android is capable of running services
> in their own separate process.  There are two ways around this: (1)
> make sure that your manifest file doesn't declare the service process
> as remote, or (2) switch to the DDMS perspective in Eclipse and
> manually attach to the correct service process.
> On Jul 1, 4:46 am, ""
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I have created a service based on from the
> > SDK samples.
> > In my service I want to do some work which will update a
> > ContentProvider.
> > The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to get a breakpoint
> > inside the service to fire. I know it is executing the service as I
> > can add log statements and see it pass the point where the breakpoint
> > is set. Running in debug mode under Eclipse obviously.
> > Is this possible? Can you step through the code for a background
> > service?
> > Al.

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