To shed a bit more light, the reason the multi-part APIs were removed is
because those APIs will not be final in the upstream Apache HTTPClient in
time for Android's schedule for a final 1.0 version.  Rather than ship an
early/incompatible API, we chose to remove it, and rely on other libraries
as Justin suggested.

Note that this applies only to the multi-part APIs: the rest of the Apache
HTTPClient APIs have been frozen, and so they are "safe" for us to include.

- Dan

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Justin (Google Employee) <[EMAIL 

> Note that this has been removed because it was removed from the Apache
> HttpClient library that we're bundling. What you want to do is get
> Mime4j ( ) and HttpMime
> ( ) and
> include these libraries in your Android project. From there, the usage
> of multipart requests is pretty intuitive.
> Cheers,
> Justin
> Android Team @ Google
> On Aug 18, 1:06 pm, code_android_festival_way
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello guys.
> >
> > I've seen that the multipart method has been removed in 0.9. I'm
> > wondering now how to achieve these messages now.
> >
> > At the moment I'm having something like:
> >
> >
> >
> > Is there an example how to do that in the 0.9 release? I've looked at
> > the Mime4j library but didn't get the point how this works.
> >
> > It would be very nice if someone could provide an example for me.
> >
> > Regards!
> >

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