According to this article

there is a serious media stack available.

I have seen http requests from a client identifying itself as User-
Agent: PVCore/ This matches the name of the product
referred to in the article.

So what seems broken?

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I spent a day browsing video
content provider sites that had a multitude of sample download,
progressive download and streaming links to test. None worked. Not one
all day, and I was picking the low res stuff too.

Part of the problem is that mime types are not configured in the
Android browser, open a .3gp link, you see the bytes in the browser
like they are a text file.

The only mime type that I have noticed that gets handed off to the
media player is the one associated with .mp4, video/mp4.

Try opening a .sdp file, mime type application/sdp, that describes a
rtsp video feed and you get unsupported content message.

It seems that there is the capability to handle more media types than
the iPhone can, yet the integration between the browser and the media
player is so bad that the media player is basically worthless.

1. When will mime types be associated in the browser, so non
programmers can use it to open media links, you know - users?

2. How can I associate mime types with the existing media player now?

3. Why is there no UI that I can find at all in the media player to
navigate to content?
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