Hi daspears,

Ok  I attached whole script at the end of this post.

It has been tested on
Linux Fedora Core 6 + PHP5 +Android m5rc15
Linux Fedora Core 9 + PHP5 +Android 0.9beta .

Please keep a mind this is a workaround and possibly be dangerous:-).

This script runs as proxy's proxy.
Please cut and paste this code and save it.
The file name is "AndroidMapProxy.php" in this example.

For example, your site proxy http://aaa.bbb.com:8000 and your Linux
host (local PC) xxx.yyy.com, please run this program on your local PC
like this;

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] AndroidMapProxy.php http://aaa.bb.com:8000 8080

then, run android emulator like this;

  [root:@xxx]$ emulator -http-proxy http://xxx.yyy.com:8080

The script begins here.

class GoogleMapProxyServer {
        private $socket = null;
        private $outbound = null;
        private $inbound = null;
        private $active = false;
        private $site_proxy = null;

        public function __construct($site_proxy, $port = 8080) {
                // open an out-bound socket to connect the site proxy.
                $c = stream_socket_client($site_proxy, $errno, $errstr, 30);
                if ($c === false) {
                        $message = sprintf("error:%d %s", $errstr, $errno);
                $this->site_proxy = $site_proxy;

                // create in-bound socket to connect emulator.
                $this->socket = stream_socket_server("tcp://".$port, 
                if (!$this->socket) {
                        $message = sprintf("error:%d %s", $errstr, $errno);

        public function __destruct() {
                if (is_resource($this->socket)) {
                if (is_resource($this->inbound)) {
                if (is_resource($this->outbound)) {

        public function execute() {
                while (true) {
                        // wait for a message from emulator.
                        $timeout = 9999.0;
                        $this->inbound = stream_socket_accept($this->socket, 
                        if ($this->inbound === false) {
                                $this->error("socket accept error");
                        // echo "new connection.\n";

                        // set the timeout value and the non-blocking mode on 
the stream.
                        stream_set_timeout($this->inbound, 300);
                        if (false === stream_set_blocking($this->inbound, 0)) {
                                echo "warning: cannot set  non blocking on 
in-bound stream\n";

                        // open an out-bound socket to connect the site proxy.
                        $this->outbound = 
stream_socket_client($this->site_proxy, $errno,
$errstr, 30);
                        if ($this->outbound === false) {
                                $message = sprintf("error:%d %s", $errstr, 
                        // set the timeout value and the non-blocking mode on 
the stream.
                        stream_set_timeout($this->outbound, 300);
                        if (false === stream_set_blocking($this->outbound, 0)) {
                                echo "warning: cannnot set non blocking on 
out-bound stream\n";

                        // set flag.
                        $this->active = true;
                        while ($this->active) {
                                // use a select function because PHP does not 
support a thread.
                                $read = array($this->inbound, $this->outbound);
                                $write = NULL;
                                $except = NULL;
                                if (false === ($n = stream_select($read, 
$write, $except, 10)))
                                        $this->error("select error");
                                switch ($n) {
                                case 0:
                                        $this->active = false;
                                case 1:
                                        if ($read[0] === $this->inbound)
                                                if (!feof($this->inbound)) {
                                                        $request = 
                                                else {
                                                        $this->active = false;
                                        if ($read[0] === $this->outbound)
                                                if (!feof($this->outbound)) {
                                                        $request = 
                                                else {
                                                        $this->active = false;
                                case 2:
                                        $request = $this->in_to_out();
                                        $request = $this->out_to_in();
                                        if ((feof($this->inbound)) && 
feof($this->outbound)) {
                                                $this->active = false;
                                        // never get to here.
                                        $this->error("select unknown error");

//                      echo "close sockets.\n";

        private function out_to_in() {
//              echo "out to in.\n";
                while (!feof($this->outbound)) {
                        $buf = fread($this->outbound, 2048);
                        if ($buf === false) {
                                $this->error("read error on out-bound stream");
                        if (strlen($buf) == 0) {
                        fwrite($this->inbound, $buf);

        private function in_to_out() {
//              echo "in to out.\n";
                while (!feof($this->inbound)) {
                        $req = fread($this->inbound, 2048);

                        if ($req === false) {
                                $this->error("read error on in-bound stream");
                        if (strlen($req) == 0) {
                        // ignore CONNECT method because it is most likely no 
                        if (preg_match("/CONNECT\s+.*:80/", $req)) {
                                $buf = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n";
                                fwrite($this->inbound, $buf);
                        // add a protocol and a host address to be a full URI 
in a POST and/
or GET request.
                        if (preg_match("/(POST|GET)\s+(\S+:|)/", $req, 
$matches)) {
                                if ($matches[2] == "") {        /* no protocol 
specified */
                                        $method = $matches[1];
                                        if (preg_match("/Host:\s*(\S.*)\s*/", 
$req, $matches)) {        /* host
retrieved from header */
                                                $host = rtrim($matches[1]);
                                                $req =  preg_replace("/$method 
\/(.*)/", "$method http://$host/$1";,
                        // display received message. only for debugging.
//                      echo $req;
                        fwrite($this->outbound, $req);
//                      echo "size of req ".strlen($req).".\n";

        private function error($message) {

// Server main process
if ((isset($argv[1])) && (preg_match("/^http:\/\/(.+)\.(.+):(\d+)/",
$argv[1], $matches)))
        $http_proxy =  preg_replace("/http:\/\//", 'tcp://', $argv[1]);
        $local_port = 8080;
        if (isset($argv[2]) && (preg_match("^\d+$", $argv[2])))
                $local_port = $argv[2];
        $server = new GoogleMapProxyServer($http_proxy, $local_port);
        die("usage: " . $argv[0] . " http://your-proxy:port\n";);

On 8月22日, 午前7:23, daspears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jokochi,
> I would be interested in seeing your solution as well.  Thanks.
> On Aug 21, 5:12 am, jokochi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am in the same situation that the browser in 0.9 couldn't get any
> > data behind proxy.
> > Also I recognize this problem is same as map view.
> > Because of most proxy server will not convey a packet besides SSL(443)
> > port with CONNECT method but MapView is trying to connect with CONNECT
> > method first.
> > The browser in 0.9 has changed same as MapView.
> > As for the solution, I make a small program that ignore the CONNECT
> > method and change the POST's URI.
> > It is written in PHP and it is only 200 lines.
> > Please let me know if you are interesting in my program, and I will
> > give it.
> > On 8月21日, 午後2:26, shan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > No the browser is not working till now, the -http-proxystartup option
> > > does'nt seem to work(for the 0.9).
> > > But in the m5r15 i could get the browser to work via the http_proxy
> > > field in the system table, but the maps application could not connect
> > > to the server. I think that it uses a config totally different from
> > > the standard ones, to which we dont have access.
> > > I am guessing that the situation would be same in 0.9 as well. Only
> > > hope being that the maps API would recognise the http-proxyoption.
> > > On Aug 21, 1:34 am, "Justin (Google Employee)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Does the browser work in the emulator for you? The emulator doesn't
> > > > deal well with being behind aproxyand my guess would be that you
> > > > aren't able to use any data at all.
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Justin
> > > > Android Team @ Google
> > > > On Aug 20, 5:40 am, shan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Can the maps API  work behindproxyin the 0.9 beta?- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -

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