Thanks for your help.

add the JDK version of Keytool to your PATH variable. -- Done.
Signing in Eclipse/ADT

If you are developing in Eclipse and have set up Keytool as described
above, signing in debug mode is enabled by default. When you run or
debug your app, ADT signs the .apk for you and installs it on the
emulator. No specific action on your part is needed, provided ADT has
access to Keytool.

Debug version on Windows Vista using eclipse...

[2008-08-23 23:27:35 - HelloActivity] Installing HelloActivity.apk...
[2008-08-23 23:27:38 - HelloActivity] Installation failed due to
invalid APK file!

Not sure what else I'm suppose to do.  Is something missing from the
directions that is obvious to experienced eclipse users?  Do I some
how have to direct eclipse to load the keytool plug-in?

Thanks again.

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