Is there a best praxis to follow now to make a content provider’s
database to arrange with a network database? Not synchronization but a
workaround to keep both of them expandable either from android user or
network user.

On Sep 5, 10:50 pm, "Megha Joshi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/9/2 joebowbeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Aug 29, 4:43 pm, "Megha Joshi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Android framework does not provide any inbuilt service to sync your app's
> > > database with with a network database.
> > > You could use the the HttpClient library to communicate with the
> > > Server...apart from the the sync logic is something you will have
> > > to design ...sorry I can't help much there...
> > What do the android.content.Sync* classes do?  Examples: SyncProvider,
> > SyncableContentProvider, SyncAdapter, SyncStorageEngine ...
> You are looking at the right APIs, they are for syncing content
> providers...but apart from these, a few other APIs needed for sync are still
> not released in the current sdk, so you wont be able to use this feature for
> now.
> > Here's an earlier investigation:
> >
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