> Yes... I was trying to do that.
> I am creating ContentProvider which stores data in a table with (for
> now) only 2 fields:
> _id (unique identifier)
> _data (a String which stores the full path of the file)
> I was unable to call openInputStream or openOutputStream on the Uri
> cause of documentation was not notifying that it is necessary to
> override openFile method into ContentProvider.

Thanks for the pointer ...we will add this to the docs..

> Within the openFile method, I am manually executing a query to get the
> path of the file associated to the requested content and returning the
> ParcelFileDescriptor.

Yes that is the correct way ...

> Now it is working... Maybe I made something wrong with database
> declaration.
> That would be perfect if Google releases MediaProvider sources...
> I hope so.

I am not sure how  MediaProvider is relevant here...

> Resume:
> Create a content provider having _data field.
> Implement all the required methods.
> [* I don't know if I made something wrong with query method
> implementation] Override openFile method.
> You'll be able to load your content via
> WebViewElement.loadUrl("content://yourcontentprovider/#");

It will be helpful to everyone facing the same issue with displaying local
files in WebView,
if you could share your sample code.

> >

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