My Eclipse framework no longer create new Android Projects.  I get the
following error:

Cannot create linked resource '/.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external/
folders/.link0'.  The parent resource is not accessible.

After clicking past the error, I see a stub project with three errors:

one.test.Main does not extend      AndroidManifest.xml
1Test   line 8  Android Problem
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot
find the class file for java.lang.Object. Fix the build path then try
building this project   1Test           Unknown Java Problem
The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly
referenced from required .class files  1Test/src/one/test      line 1
Java Problem

Looking at the project properties, I see there is no Android Library
in the build paths.  I also don't know how to fix this manually.
(When adding a library, none of the options lists Android Library as
an option.  Nor does copying the library from other working project
seem to work.)

And just to be clear, I check the plugin preferences and made sure the
path to the Android SDK is correct.


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