This capability was in M5... guess someone changed their mind.

On Sep 9, 2:16 pm, "Justin (Google Employee)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > but isn't that why you list an app's permissions before
> > installation (as shown in the marketplace screens)?
> To some extent yes, but there are some permissions that are just not
> available, for example rebooting the phone. Consuming SMSes is another
> one of these. The question of where to draw the line at things an
> application can ask for and things they can't is a bit fuzzy. My guess
> is that in this case since you can potentially cost the user a *lot*
> of money very quickly, this is permission the application can't ask
> for.
> > Twitter has a
> > normal API, but I don't plan on getting an internet plan (and I doubt
> > I'm the only one)
> My guess here is that you will be in the extreme minority. Not having
> a data plan forecloses so many potential uses for a system as capable
> as Android and I will be surprised if the vast majority of users don't
> have a data plan. I can see that potentially this will change over
> time as Android is deployed on a wide variety of handsets, but
> initially I think the huge majority of Androids will have data access
> with unlimited plans.
> Cheers,
> Justin
> Android Team @ Google
> On Sep 3, 6:24 pm, squeakypants <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm working on a Twitter app that works thoughSMS. Twitter has a
> > normal API, but I don't plan on getting an internet plan (and I doubt
> > I'm the only one), and I'd still like to receive them on my phone.
> > However, having to look at Tweets as normal text messages wouldn't be
> > as comfortable as in a dedicated app.
> > I'm having the same problem as the person who started this thread:
> > While my app receives the tweets fine, it doesn't "intercept" them
> > from the Messaging app. I understand why you don't want apps to have
> > this ability, but isn't that why you list an app's permissions before
> > installation (as shown in the marketplace screens)? I do plan on
> > notifying the user just like the Messaging app, and receiving it in
> > two apps would be more annoying than helpful.
> > Do you have any suggestions on what I can do? It's noteworthy that it
> > will only "intercept" Twitter messages (from number 40404), and anyone
> > who uses Twitter viaSMS(on any phone) knows how many texts they get
> > from it.
> > Thanks,
> > squeakypants
> > On Aug 28, 4:37 pm, "Justin (Google Employee)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > As I said, you *can't* do this. Consider how dangerous this would be.
> > > Users are generally charged perSMSor perSMSover a certain limit,
> > > even "unlimited" plans usually have some limit where they charge you
> > > more or terminate your service. What you want to do could end up cost
> > > some users great amounts of money and so the user must be notified of
> > > everySMSsent or received.
> > > Cheers,
> > > Justin
> > > Android Team @ Google
> > > On Aug 25, 10:34 am, android_dev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi Justin,   How to direct anSMSto an application without passing
> > > > theSMSto other apps and theSMSinbox?
> > > > On Aug 20, 11:24 am, "Justin (Google Employee)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > wrote:

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