Conceptually, the notion seems sound. However, I'm here to encourage
you to "Just Do It".

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 3:47 AM, Al Sutton <> wrote:
> First off; I know the implementation of this should be discussed on
> the framework list, but I'm putting this idea out on here to see if
> there is a need for it.

This doesn't strictly need to be on the -framework list, since what
you want does not require any changes to the Android OS. You can
achieve your goals with zero modifications to anything in the AOSP.
Standardizing this would require changes to *tools*, and given a
working implementation, discussions on integrating the scheme into the
tools could probably just go straight to the -contrib list.

> <imports>
>  <import source="drawables-hdpi">icon1.png</import>
>  <import source="drawables-hdpi">icon2.png</import>
>  <import source="drawables-hdpi">icon3.png</import>
> < /imports>

Here's your AOSP-mod-free implementation:

Step #1: Modify the above XML format to be something that can live in
a resource directory but be ignored by the build tools. It might
qualify right now. It may require some tweaking. It is conceivable
that nothing will work, in which case toss it into an imports/
directory off the project root and add a target attribute to the root
element to indicate the resource directory you were originally
planning to have the file live in.

Step #2: Create the Android Image Importer (aii) tool. aii inject
finds the import file(s) and creates the alias XML files that you are
trying to avoid creating by hand. aii extract finds the import file(s)
and removes the alias XML files.

Step #3: Add aii inject to your toolchain as an early step in the
build, before the first aapt call.

Step #4: Add aii extract to your toolchain as a late step in the
build, probably at the end after the APK packaging/signing is complete

(for Ant, I'd do steps #3 and #4 by creating wrapper tasks around ant
debug and ant install and such that does the aii inject, chains to the
main task (e.g., debug), then does the aii extract)

(for Eclipse, you're on your own)

Net: you get your desired functionality without any changes to AOSP,
so you can see how well your plan works in practice.

Net++: you get a working implementation of the concept to use as a
basis for discussions with Xav and the tools team, because a "real"
implementation of the concept probably does pretty much the same
thing, just under the covers.

Writing the aii command should take somebody maybe an hour in Ruby, or
three months in Java. :-)

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) | |

_The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 1.6

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