Hah.. well.. hopefully the one I am releasing in a day or two will be even better... ;). But.. thanks. Oh.. just realized that you are probably talking about the new one.. I just realized I put screen shots of it up... well.. I can't take much credit for the looks... I broke down and hired an artist to design the logo and graphics :).

By the way, if anyone needs an artist, I would highly recommend this guy. He did two versions of the logo, about 5 banner ads and 20 icons for $250, and I was blown away by the quality and speed with which he did it. His work was so good that I accepted almost all of them from the samples, and the few changes I asked for were done in hours. I found him on Freelancer.com and the company is called digitalartsforu.com, and no.. I don't get a commission for recommending him :).


On 04/07/2010 10:36 AM, SirAndroidDev wrote:
Thanks Brad.  I'll give that a go.

I was checking out your application from you Website, that looks
pretty nice.

On Jul 4, 1:10 pm, Brad Gies<rbg...@gmail.com>  wrote:
You can setup your listener when you are filling in the text
information... just make it the same listener for all of them, and sort
out which one it is in the listener event... I usually just use the
convertView Tag property for that, and set it to the position in your
Array list.. that way you don't have search through the Array list...
you can just get the correct item directly.

You probably also want to check the convertView to see if there is
already a listener on that view, and only set it if there isn't.. Or
just setup the listener when you inflate the view... I usually check the
displayed items in the onResume event to make they have the listener
set, just to be sure... although most of the time it is a redundant check.

On 04/07/2010 9:14 AM, SirAndroidDev wrote:

Okay, thanks Brad.   I thought the CheckedTextViews (ctv) were all one
in the same?  Seems I read a post a bit ago that recommeneded casting
the second argument in the onListItemClick() method (View v) to get at
the actual CheckedTextView.  Does that sound right?  Sorry I'm a bit
in the fog on that part.  As the first "ctv" instance in the ListView
behaves fine.  It's the rest that do not.
Thanks again for your help today.
On Jul 4, 11:25 am, Brad Gies<rbg...@gmail.com>    wrote:
Put a listener on your checkboxes and update your array from there...
Then, you only need to check your array, which is much faster and easier
to handle anyway.
On 04/07/2010 8:20 AM, SirAndroidDev wrote:
Thanks.  I finally got this going.  However, I may not be handling
this situation the best way.
Now I've been struggling for several more days on another issue.
So, I have a ListView with the following for the row.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<com.test.CheckableLinearLayout xmlns:android="http://
       android:layout_weight="1.0" />
       android:layout_gravity="center" />
       android:checkMark="@drawable/checkedstate" />
Now, I can get each item to go into an ArrayList<String>      and then I
perform an operation on that array.  Plus, each row in the ListView
will show my checkbox properly checked and unchecked as the user
performs clicks on the CheckedTextViews for each row.  However, I'm
now having a problem where I cannot get a list of currently checked
(read: clicked on) items.  I found getCheckedItemPositions() and
getCheckItemIds(), but I was not able to get them to handle what I
need, that is to see what checkboxes are NOT checked.
Example, a user clicks on three checkboxes (read: 3 rows), showing he/
she wants to do something with three selected files in the
ListView.... so far so good.  Now, the user UNCHECKS (or un-selects if
you like) one of the checkboxes.  I try to check (if()) to see which
checkbox was unchecked but when I try to test against the ctv (name of
my CheckedTextView), no go.  That only works for the first row in the
ListView, it's fails for all of the rest of the rows.  so I can
uncheck the first row, check it, unchecked and all that works fine,
just not when I do that on any other row (read: checkbox).
There has got to be a simple way to test for checked and unchecked
CheckedTextViews in a ListView?  If so, can you push me in the right
direction Mickey (or someone)?
Here is where I'm at (in the middle of a testing what ever I could to
get this going so the code is sloppy and I left off the "else" clause
part for the overall conditional. (the multiselect is for a button a
user clicks to allow for multiple row selection (which I want to be in
sync with the checkedtextview states, when a row is clicked)
     protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long
id) {
             super.onListItemClick(l, v, position, id);
             try {
                     multiselect = (ImageButton) findViewById(R.id.multiselect);
                     // multiselect.getTag().toString() == "1"
                     if (checkedstate == 1) {
                             // Set the Checkbox in explore.xml to checked or 
unchecked when
user clicks on row
                             ctv = (CheckedTextView) findViewById(R.id.ctv);
                                     if(ctv.isChecked() == true){
                                             f = new File(root + item.get(position) + 
//                                                 for(int i=0; i<      
lv.getCheckItemIds().length; i++){
//                                                         Log.i("getCII", 
//                                                 }
                                             Log.i("checked", "checked");
                                     }else if (ctv.isChecked() == false){
                                             for(int i=0; i<      
filesArray.size(); i++){
                                                     if(f.toString() == 
//                                                                 Log.i("not 
checked", filesArray.get(i).toString());
                                             Log.i("not checked", "not 
On Jun 24, 5:58 am, Mickey<michele.pri...@gmail.com>      wrote:
I'm not sure if I truly understood your problem but one thing I would
suggest is to check the API Demos app that is shipped with the SDK, if
you haven't done yet.
In particular, there's a class named List11.java which gives you a
brief overview on how to use the CheckedTextView.
In the case you still have problem, you might want to post some code
in order to make this clear.
On Jun 8, 3:08 am, SirAndroidDev<bud...@gmail.com>      wrote:
I'm really frusterated at this point, three days in.  I've put many
hours into this issu and am no closer to having a working (let alone
proper) solution.  Why is this so painful to accomplish I wonder
I've got a a ListView which has a row.xml for each row in the
ListView.  That file has two TextView's, ImageView, and aCheckedTextView.
Now, I can get oneCheckedTextViewto become checked by pressing on
its UI area.  But, I cannnot not check any other unchecked checkbox in
the ListView.
Further more I see checkboxes when I scroll down that have checkmarks
in them where I did not check such myself.
So, what is the issue?  One of you google engineers surely can explain
this to us end-devs, better yet please supply a sample project.  I
have each row also where the user can select a file and work is done
with it when that path is pasted back to the main activity (which
works fine).
I have half the hair I had 72 hours ago (because I pulled half out).
Please, please help those of us struggling with this important feature
(CheckedTextView).  As I see several posts about this, anything from
implement Clickable on the class (which I did, both trying on the main
java file and as a helper class) toCheckedTextViewhas to be the
parent in the xml file (not say a LinearLayout for example).
Please...... help... drowing ..... in ... stess.
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Brad Gies

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Brad Gies
Bistro Bot - Bistro Blurb

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change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has - Margaret Mead

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