The alternative market approach is "hopeless" in my eyes. Currently we
have at least:
SlideMe, AndAppStore, AndroidPit, SE PlayNow, Motorola, Lenovo,
Handango, Mobihand, OnlyAndroid, GetJar ++

You will not get me submitting screenshotsAPK and descriptions for all
of those. And I guess there are lots more not in that list.

If an alternative appstore had collected screenshots, apk and
description from the Android Market and only needed an "OK" from the
developer, then maybe it would get more people to submit. But I guess
the APK collection is a bit on the gray side of what is legal? :-)

But back to the point of the discussion, is there any hope in getting
answers from Google regarding the various approaches to selling
premium content inside a free app? There seems to be nowhere to get
support for these kinds of question and Android Market related issues
are never commented by Google in these newsgroups :-(


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