Unfortunately, I'm not going to do this anytime soon; the tradeoff is
clearly not worth it within the domain of just my company and our

Nor am I likely to persuade you that it's worthwhile; nor you to
persuade me. The arguments over static analysis tools are religious
and, even after thirty-five years, people are still arguing the pros
and cons of lint, in the C world.

So, really no more to say on this thread.
But, I do hope that some toolmeister inside Google sees this thread
and picks up the gauntlet someday.


On Jul 13, 8:45 pm, TreKing <treking...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:00 AM, deg <d...@degel.com> wrote:
> > Actually, I can imagine two very common cases:
> > 1) Code or even functionality is changed in an application, possibly
> > in some minor way. The developer does not realize that he has removed
> > the last SDK call using a permission. The permission lingers on in the
> > manifest. It doesn't do much harm, but add minor bloat and maybe
> > scares aways some users.
> I wouldn't call this common since if you're removing permissions you're
> likely removing features / functionality which relied on said permission,
> which is not very likely.
> > 2) A developer adds a new feature, and does not realize that a
> > permission is needed. Best case, he catches this immediately when
> > testing, but still wastes time and annoyance on an extra compile/
> > deploy/test cycle.
> You answered your own question. If you're adding a new feature, I would hope
> you're testing it. Odds are you don't just do one compile / deploy test
> cycle for any feature you add, so one more to catch a permission you forgot
> to add, like any other programming error you catch while debugging, is
> negligible. You'd run into a "permission required" exception almost
> immediately while testing and you fix it right then and there.
> > It seems that it would not be too hard to annotate the SDK and and a static
> > permissions check to the build cycle.
> I really don't think the time it would take to make this happen is worth it
> versus how much time it would actually save. You seem to think it is, so you
> are welcome to grab the source code and modify it to make this happen. Good
> luck.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------
> TreKing - Chicago transit tracking app for Android-powered 
> deviceshttp://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking

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