I forgot to mention the code that i use to ignore the certificate. Do u have
any ideas to help me out.

final* *static* HostnameVerifier *DO_NOT_VERIFY* = *new* HostnameVerifier()

*public* *boolean* verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {

*return* *true*;




* Trust every server - *dont* check for any certificate


*private* *static* *void* trustAllHosts() {

// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains

TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = *new* TrustManager[] { *new*X509TrustManager() {

*public* java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {

*return* *new* java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] {};


*public* *void* checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain,

String authType) *throws* CertificateException {


*public* *void* checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain,

String authType) *throws* CertificateException {

} };

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