Think of it this way.  If the orientation is flipped, the layout has
to be rebuilt to match the new screen dimensions.  The only way you
might be able to disable it is if you were to fix the orientation for
the screen in the Manifest file.

As most people on here are going to tell you: You need to handle your
app restarting anyway, because there are more things than just
keyboard flips that will kill your app.  So think of it as a notice
that, yes, you do need some robust onPause()/onStop() methods for
saving and restoring state.  And flipping the keyboard is a debug
"feature" that means you don't have to simulate the app suddenly dying
for no reason.

On Oct 31, 11:21 am, CJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i just realized that whenever i flip the keyboard, the function
> oncreate is called, which means it is like closing my the application
> and start a brand new one? is it weird to you guys? and how to disable
> this feature?
> thanks
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