They can't do anything bad to you with a signed .apk. They can't do
anything but install it, or perhaps redistribute it -- but they'd be
able to do that anyway.

A signed .apk does NOT contain ANYTHING from your keystore, except
your PUBLIC certificate, which serves to identify who signed it. The
whole point of signing something, is so you can give it out, and it
can be verified (1) as being from you and (2) as being unmodified
since you signed it.

If they modified it, it will no longer bear your valid signature.
Here's how that works.

When you sign it, your public key (part of your public certificate) is
attached, along with a secure checksum of the entire file, encrypted
with your PRIVATE key.

To verify it, you checksum the file again, and decrypt that encrypted
checksum, and compare. They should match. If they don't, either the
file has been modified, or the encrypted one was NOT encrypted with
your PRIVATE key. But the recipient of the signed artifact never sees
your private key, just your public one.

Ideally, they'd also include a timestamp from a timestamp service, to
show when it was signed, so you can verify that it was signed within
the validity period of the certificate. It doesn't, though, which is
unfortunate. Timestamp services work about the same way.

My guess is they want to be able to run your application, to be able
to see the strings used in context. Context matters to localization.
Short strings, especially, may be ambiguous when just viewed from
strings.xml. To do a good job of translation, you really need to see
the application. I'd be suspicious of anyone just requesting

Ideally, they'd request strings.xml and a signed app (or maybe extract
strings.xml themselves, if they're clever), give you back a localized
version of strings.xml to include, and then you send them a NEW signed
app, with the localized strings.xml included, for them to review, both
for accuracy, and for changes between versions (new strings, changed

If I were offering a translation service, that's how I'd do it.

On Aug 10, 2:20 am, Droid <> wrote:
> I have an email wanting to localise an APK. But I have to email him/
> her a signed APK. Is that safe, I mean can they access my merchant
> account or something horrible like that if they get my key store?

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