Try putting quotes around the phonenumber string

On Aug 13, 4:15 pm, Wall-E <> wrote:
> I have written a database adapter to implement database functions like
> query(), delete(), update(), insert()....etc.  So I have been able to
> insert and query just fine but deleting a specific row is not working
> at all.  I have tested deleting all the rows and that works fine even
> though the return value is still 0 or false.  I have posted my
> delete() method and my table:
> Again, I have confirmed insert and query but not delete and after
> sending this post I'm going to try the update to see if that works.
> Also, the open() call just does the DBHelper.getWritableDatabase().
> I'm concerned that it is the way my table is set up but I've tried all
> the sql statements in a sqlite browser and that table is just fine.
> db.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE " + ECHOLIST_TABLE + " (" +
>                                         "[PHONENUMBER_ID] NVARCHAR(15) 
>                                         "[PHONENUMBER] NVARCHAR(15) NOT 
> NULL);" );
> public boolean deletePhoneNumber(String phonenumber)
>     {
>         open();
>         db.beginTransaction();
>         int rowsDeleted = db.delete(ECHOLIST_TABLE, PHONENUMBER_ID +
>                         "=" + phonenumber, null);
>         //int rowsDeleted = db.delete(ECHOLIST_TABLE, null, null);
>         db.setTransactionSuccessful();
>         db.endTransaction();
>                 close();
>                 return (rowsDeleted > 0);
>     }

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