Well, I think the easiest thing for you would be to add an overlay
view on top of your openGL view.
This is fairly easy.

On your activity's onCreate you could do this:

LinearLayout base = new LinearLayout(this);

FrameLayout frame = new FrameLayout(this);
YourGLView gl_view  = new YourGLView(...);

YourOverlayView overlay_view = new YourOverlayView(...);



YourOverlayView can be derived from any view.  I personally extend
ImageView and override the onDraw() method for full control.

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:56 PM, Jason <jason.poli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to find the best way to implement a "loading screen" when
> using a GLSurfaceView.
> Basically the situation is this:
> The app (game) loads a bunch of textures into VRAM when the GL surface
> is created (onSurfaceCreated), however these textures are only for the
> current "level" of the game.  When the player reaches the end of the
> level I need to remove these textures from VRAM and load the new ones.
> Previously (during development) each level was a complete load/unload
> of the Activity, which works fine, however this creates a bunch of
> unnecessary overhead as I don't need to reload the world for a simple
> level progression.  So I have been experimenting with different ways
> to overlay a standard view (which is my "loading" screen) over the top
> of the GLSurfaceView while the level data is loaded.
> This has created some problems for me:
> 1. Because the GLSurfaceView is not actually destroyed, the
> onSurfaceCreated call is only made once and hence the opportunity to
> load textures is gone.  To overcome this, I have introduced a flag
> into the Renderer thread which will load up the textures in the first
> call to onDrawFrame after the level is loaded.  I don't particularly
> like this, but can't seen any other solution.
> 2. I don't seem to be able to find a way to effectively "switch views"
> in my Activity.  I initially set the view (setContentView(...)) to the
> loading screen (i.e NOT the GLSurfaceView), then the actual level load
> is done asynchronously and when complete calls back to the main
> activity thread which then performs a second call to setContentView()
> with the GLSurfaceView instance.  This works the first time, but
> thereafter I can't seem to get the loading view to become visible.  If
> I use setVisibility(View.VISIBLE) on the loading view it doesn't
> display, and if I perform a further call to setContentView() my
> GLSurfaceView never comes back... that is, after subsequently calling
> setContentView with the GLSurfaceView I get nothing displayed... no
> errors, but my loading screen basically never disappears.
> So.. does anyone out there have a good approach to solving this?  That
> is, how to best implement a loading screen to "hide" the process of
> bootstrapping opengl resources etc.
> Thanks!
> --
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