1. Make sure your package name is correct.
2. On the AdMob site add your application, note the generated key and
download the SDK.
3. Add the AdMob sdk (jar) to your application.
4. Add the Adview(s) where you want them.
5. Run application on your test devices/emulators, take note of the
device IDs output by AdMob in LogCat and configure your application to
serve test ads on your test devices.
6. Take note of AdMobs placement restrictions (not near buttons, place
so as to avoid accidental clicks etc).
7. Contine to test and sortout any layout problems serving ads might

8. Now up load to market.

On Aug 19, 7:44 pm, ericmahlon <ericmah...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> kind of confused on this one.  any help is appreciated.
> I believe I upload the app to the market, fill out the admob info, and
> then admob automatically implements itself into the app?  is that
> correct?

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