
I am trying to get a debug maps API Key, but when I run the keytool
program I get the following error in my Windows 7 64bits computer:

"erro de keytool: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown format
type at"

At first I thoght it was a problem about the 64 bits JDK.
But after remove the 64 bits JDK, install the 32 bits one and
reinstall Android SDK, the problem still happening.

I run the keytool using this command line:

"keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\...\.android
\debug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android"

The file debug.keystore exists and seems to be ok.

Is there any incompatibility between 32 bits JDK, Android SDK and 64
bits Windows 7?
Am I doing something wrong?

Please, help.

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