So far, in all the cases of cracked apps we've seen, it's been because of
the following:

1. The developer did not run a code obfuscating tool (such as ProGuard) on
their application; and,
2. The developer implemented the LVL as a drop-in library, without making
any modifications to the library code or API.

Let be clear here: the LVL is not a panacea. As shipped, it will protect
against casual copying. However, if somebody is determined enough to take a
decompiler to your APK, you have to be a bit more diligent about how you
integrate it.

There's a reason that we ship the LVL as source code rather than as a JAR
file. We encourage you to do things like change the entry/exit points,
subtly tweak the logic in LicenseChecker and LicenseValidator, and even move
all the entire library into your project's package. Think of the LVL as a
framework for a license check mechanism: it's an excellent starting point,
and all the tools (or rather, APIs) you need are there, but don't treat it
as a black box.

And I *strongly* encourage you to run a code obfuscater, such as ProGuard.
If you decompile an application and see symbols like allow(), dontAllow(),
LICENSED, NOT_LICENSED, etc., it gives crackers a pretty good hint what they
need to modify.

On top of that, pay attention to how you integrate the LVL in your
application. For example, if your application displays a dialog on license
failure, imagine what would happen if a cracker disabled the call to display
your dialog (invoking a method is a single line of bytecode, not difficult
to comment out). Will your application still terminate if the "Exit" button
in that dialog never gets pressed?

And even with all of this, I need to be clear: This is a client-side license
check. It's not bulletproof -- this is the nature of client-side code.
However, implemented properly, it will make your application *difficult* to

And as long as it's not possible to create an auto-crack that works on your
application (which, if you follow the rules above, shouldn't be possible),
then it's still an improvement over the old copy protection model, which
only required a rooted phone to bypass.

And if you feel this still isn't enough protection: If your application has
an online component to it (for example, a multiplayer game), it's entirely
possible to upload the license response to your server and perform a
server-side validation there. (Remember: License responses are
cryptographically signed. Even if the application has been cracked, the
actual license response data cannot be tampered with.) You could then refuse
to serve the online component of your application. Since this is all
happening on the server-side (read: trusted code), this would be absolutely
secure against attack.

And yes, we'll be publishing some articles soon on how to use ProGuard and
other techniques for securing your code against attack -- we do mention
ProGuard in our documentation, but we should probably be more explicit about
how to use it.

Trevor Johns
Google Developer Programs, Android

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Jonas Larsson <> wrote:

> An official response would great.
> As I (and many others) see it the main reason for Android app
> piracy is paid app unavailability in most countries. When most
> users have the option of being honest and pay, most would.
> Until Google enables the full Market in all countries the
> incitement to crack and distribute apps remains.
> When LVL was announced I played with it a bit to see how
> easy it was to crack. The fact is; it's much easier than the
> article on AndroidPolice shows. No need to analyze switch
> statements etc. There is a much better place to modify the
> disassembled code that makes it trivial to implement a generic
> patcher using available open source tools and shell scripts.
> As to where in the (potentially obfuscated code) I refer to
> I leave that as an exercise for the crackers. Google surely knew
> all this even before LVL was announced...
> The official response, or lack thereof, will be interesting.
> On Aug 23, 11:50 pm, Brad <> wrote:
> > Well, just as I was finishing adding LVL support to my apps, I come
> > across this article:
> >
> >
> >
> > Of course we all knew that this new copy protection could be broken
> > (as is the case for all DRM), but I guess I had hoped that it would
> > take a little more effort.   Looks like this will turn out to be a
> > "one-click" crack.
> >
> > Will Google up the ante?  Is it a lost cause on such an open platform?
> --
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Trevor Johns

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