Chris McCurdy wrote:
> I have a ListView with a complex widget for displaying list items. It
> has a CheckBox and several TextViews. I want to be able to handle
> clicks to the CheckBox and be able to do the normal things on the list
> item when anywhere that's not the CheckBox is clicked (e.g. context
> menus, onListItemClick(), etc.). The problem is that when the CheckBox
> is visible, it removes the ability for any other part of the item to
> receive clicks, even if the CheckBox itself isn't receiving the click
> events. Is there any way to prevent it from "stealing" the click
> events from the rest of the items in the widget?

You can take a peek at the last tutorial in my Fancy ListViews series 
over on AndroidGuys:

It uses a RatingBar instead of a CheckBox, since Android 1.0 supports 
ListViews with checkable items now. It's also written for the 0.9 SDK 
and may require minor changes to work under 1.0r1. And forgive the 
formatting -- the AndroidGuys site changed stylesheets when it moved to 
a new hosting provider and my older posts are somewhat fouled up.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.4 Published!

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