Zsolt, String

I had a quick play - there may be a more official way. But this works:

1) Go into the directory: android-sdk/platforms/android-8/skins/ and
make a copy of your WVGA854 directory - rename this directory to

2) Alter the contents of the layout file (see below) to adjust for the
difference in width and height. I kept it in portrait by default to
make the changes easier. I also removed the backgrounds - they're not

3) Go to your AVD manager and create your new AVD based on your new
"tablet" skin. No need to change any other values.

Here is what you need in your layout file:

parts {
    portrait {

    landscape {


    device {
        display {
            width   600
            height  1024
            x       0
            y       0

    controls {
        background {
            image   controls.png
        buttons {
            soft-left {
                    image button.png
                    x 56
                    y 142
            home {
                    image button.png
                    x 0
                    y 142
            back {
                    image button.png
                    x 112
                    y 142
            dpad-up {
                    image arrow_up.png
                    x 77
                    y 53
            dpad-down {
                    image arrow_down.png
                    x 77
                    y 106
            dpad-left {
                    image arrow_left.png
                    x 53
                    y 53
            dpad-right {
                    image arrow_right.png
                    x 123
                    y 53
            dpad-center {
                    image select.png
                    x 77
                    y 81
            phone-dial {
                    image button.png
                    x 0
                    y 71
            phone-hangup {
                    image button.png
                    x 168
                    y 71

            power {
                    image button.png
                    x 168
                    y 0

            volume-up {
                    image button.png
                    x 112
                    y 0

            volume-down {
                    image button.png
                    x 56
                    y 0

            search {
                    image button.png
                    x 168
                    y 142


    keyboard {
        background {
            image   keyboard.png
        buttons {
            1 {
                image  key.png
                x  5
                y  5
            2 {
                image  key.png
                x 42
                y 5
            3 {
                image  key.png
                x 79
                y 5
            4 {
                image  key.png
                x 116
                y 5
            5 {
                image  key.png
                x 153
                y 5
            6 {
                image  key.png
                x 190
                y 5
            7 {
                image  key.png
                x 227
                y 5
            8 {
                image  key.png
                x 264
                y 5
            9 {
                image  key.png
                x 301
                y 5
            0 {
                image  key.png
                x 338
                y 5

            q {
                image  key.png
                x  5
                y  41
            w {
                image  key.png
                x 42
                y 41
            e {
                image  key.png
                x 79
                y 41
            r {
                image  key.png
                x 116
                y 41
            t {
                image  key.png
                x 153
                y 41
            y {
                image  key.png
                x 190
                y 41
            u {
                image  key.png
                x 227
                y 41
            i {
                image  key.png
                x 264
                y 41
            o {
                image  key.png
                x 301
                y 41
            p {
                image  key.png
                x 338
                y 41

            a {
                image  key.png
                x  5
                y 77
            s {
                image  key.png
                x 42
                y 77
            d {
                image  key.png
                x 79
                y 77
            f {
                image  key.png
                x 116
                y 77
            g {
                image  key.png
                x 153
                y 77
            h {
                image  key.png
                x 190
                y 77
            j {
                image  key.png
                x 227
                y 77
            k {
                image  key.png
                x 264
                y 77
            l {
                image  key.png
                x 301
                y 77
            DEL {
                image  key.png
                x 338
                y 77

            CAP {
                image  key.png
                x  5
                y 113
            z {
                image  key.png
                x 42
                y 113
            x {
                image  key.png
                x 79
                y 113
            c {
                image  key.png
                x 116
                y 113
            v {
                image  key.png
                x 153
                y 113
            b {
                image  key.png
                x 190
                y 113
            n {
                image  key.png
                x 227
                y 113
            m {
                image  key.png
                x 264
                y 113
            PERIOD {
                image  key.png
                x 301
                y 113
            ENTER {
                image  key.png
                x 338
                y 113

            ALT {
                image  key.png
                x  5
                y 149
            SYM {
                image  key.png
                x 42
                y 149
            AT {
                image  key.png
                x 79
                y 149
            SPACE {
                image  spacebar.png
                x 116
                y 149
            SLASH {
                image  key.png
                x 264
                y 149
            COMMA {
                image  key.png
                x 301
                y 149
            ALT2 {
                image  key.png
                x 338
                y 149


layouts {
    portrait {
        width     1130
        height    1078
        color     0xe0e0e0
        event     EV_SW:0:1

        part3 {
            name    device
            x       27
            y       27
        part4 {
            name    controls
            x       775
            y       234
        part5 {
            name    keyboard
            x       684
            y       486


    landscape {
        width     1087
        height    941
        color     0xe0e0e0
        event     EV_SW:0:0

        dpad-rotation 3

        part3 {
            name      device
            x         26
            y         600
            rotation  3

        part4 {
            name     controls
            x        567
            y        636

        part5 {
            name     keyboard
            x        126
            y        636

keyboard {
    charmap qwerty2

network {
    speed  full
    delay  none

On Sep 3, 6:21 am, Dianne Hackborn <hack...@android.com> wrote:
> Actually I believe it is running as an hdpi device.  It is interesting,
> because it is physically a bigger screen than the streak but wider aspect
> ratio so with the tweaked hdpi you end up with the screen being effectively
> more space in the long axis and less space in the short axis than the
> streak.
> At any rate making it hdpi is a perfectly valid thing to do.  The point of
> density is that it is not directly tied to the real screen dpi.  If your
> product works better with a larger UI by bumping up the density, that is
> fine; for apps, what matters for layout is simply how much effective space
> they have after accounting for the density.  This also drives whether the
> screen goes in the small, normal, large bucket.
> Also for the original poster, the different screen configurations in the
> documentation are intended to be representative examples.  Expect variation
> in each bucket...  in fact there already are, with the normal screen bucket
> holding 320x480 mdpi, 480x800 hdpi, and 480x852 hdpi (three different aspect
> ratios).
> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 5:15 AM, Mark Murphy <mmur...@commonsware.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Zsolt Vasvari <zvasv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Ok, let me rephrase the question.  If I want to support the 1024x600
> > > how do I set up my layout folders so it's picked correctly?
> > A 7" screen should be reported as -large. In terms of -mdpi vs. -hdpi,
> > my guess is that it is -mdpi, but that's a semi-educated guess.
> > --
> > Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> >http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguy
> >http://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> > Android Consulting:http://commonsware.com/consulting
> > --
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> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> hack...@android.com
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.

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